Wednesday 20 November 2013

St Lukes Hall Tonight - Postponed

Our meeting at St Lukes Hall has been postponed until Tuesday 3rd of December at 7pm. Due to the elongated voting in the Run up to The AGM , we ran out of time. I do apologise if anyone has been inconvienced.

Monday 18 November 2013

Royal Horticultural Society - Cats

The Royal Horticultural Society have donated 1,000 Crocus Bulbs to our Gardening project. Abig thank you to them. This is the first support The Sutton Estate in Chelsea has had from the Rhs in 100 years, long may it continue and a big thank you to the RHS in their Centenary Year

Thursday 14 November 2013

AGM - Tonight

Its our AGM tonight in the J and K Communal Lounge. New Committee members will be announced and a year round up.

Thursday 7 November 2013

SE Marshall and Company

A big thank you to SE Marshall and Company who have donated some seeds to our Gardening Project, -

Sunday 3 November 2013

Sunken Garden

I spoke with Earle from Affinty Sutton. He is expecting to hear from  ' Groundforce ' next week. This is the Environmental Charity who will be assisting on the project