Friday, 1 July 2016

Chelsea Association of Tenants Summer Barbecue -2 nd of July - 1pm to 6pm .

Our annual Summer Barbecue takes place tomorrow - Saturday 2 nd of July in the Sunken Garden on the Estate 1 pm to 6 pm .

Free Hots Dogs , Burgers and Refreshments , Music By Nicki Cheeseman , Raffle .

Come along and meet your neighbours  !

Brighton Seaside Tickets - Sold Out !

An overwhelming demand for Tickets for our Annual Trip to the Seaside is now Sold Out !

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Cats Seaside Trip Brighton Saturday 13th August Tickets on Sale

Jean Keal will be selling tickets for the trip to the Seaside above the Estate Office 10 am to 12.Jean can be contacted on 07950 099290 or or

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Seaside trip to Brighton supported by Affinity Sutton - Saturday 13th of August 2016

Coach leaves from the estate at 9 am - returns at 7  pm. We have made arrangements for those with disabilities - please contact one of the Committee or email
Again many thanks to Affinity Sutton , Natalie Down and her team , also David Chaffey for their continued support of this trip and of The Cats .

Chelsea Association Of Tenants Barbecue supported by Affinity Sutton - 2nd July 2016 - 1 pm to 6pm

The Cats annual Barbecue will take place in The Community Garden ( where it always is ) on Saturday the 2nd of July - 1pm - 6pm  . Music by Nicki Cheeseman , Food and Refreshments  for all,  and a good time to be had by all . All estate residents Welcome . This is a Free Event supported by Affinity Sutton , many thanks to Natalie Down , David Chaffey and all the Affinity Sutton Staff for their continued help and support throughout the year. We shall be setting up all morning of the 2nd of July , so if all residents could respect this  Cats would appreciate it ..

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Letter - Cadogan Estates

Dear Ian,

Many many congratulations.  This is wonderful news.  You must rightly be very proud of what you and Kings Utd have achieved.

We are thrilled to have played our very small part in it and having spoken with Edward - Lord Chelsea, I know he is delighted and has asked me to pass on his congratulations to you too. 

Thank you for the offer of more photos but we have got plenty to choose from from what you have sent through already.

Congratulations to you, CATS and all the team.

Kind regards.


Hugh Seaborn
Chief Executive
Cadogan Estates

Sunday, 8 May 2016

New Committee Members

New Committee members :
Leanne Degussimo
Barry Perinparaja
Anna Harcourt .

We wish them all the best in their new positions as Committee members . We trust that all residents on the estate will give them there full support !

Please bear in mind that Committee members are volunteers - they give their time up to help the estate and you Community !

Celebrations !

The Cup !

Captain and Coach !

Cats and Kings Utd - working together for our Community |!

Winners !


Kings Utd won the Gladys Perry Cup in a hard fought final at Kings House. They went behind by a goal and then responded with three to clinch the cup. On Behalf of all residents and the Chelsea Association of Tenants of the Sutton estate and surrounding area, well done to Darkie , Vic and all the boys and girls . Also thank you to our sponsors Lord Chelsea and Cadogan Estates - Houria Bougherra and Chelsea Supply . The only team to win a Cup in Chelsea this year . Kings United - Kings of the Kings Road !

Thursday, 14 April 2016


Cats will shortly be announcing their new Committee members . We are sure that all residents of the Estate will welcome them and appreciate the fact that they are prepared to give up their time to ensure that the residents committee have a full and active body of residents .
We look forward to them bringing  their skills and experience to the Committee. We are sure they will be real assets to the estate.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Well Done Kings Utd !

Well done to Kings Utd who are through to the Final of The Gladys Perry Cup . The team earned a hard won place in the Final 2-1. Lets hope they can go one better than last year and win the Cup !