Thursday, 29 November 2012

CATS Launch - Community Security Nationally and Internationally

The Chelsea Association of Tenants have launched their new scheme for national and international communities. Please contact for further details. Our new scheme is to provide local and national communities with their own security facilities to accomodate the young, elderly and vulnerable. We shall be joing forces with Local and National Charities to provide unique support and security facilities for our community members.
If you are a charity and would like to be involoved in our scheme please register your organisation, charity or service on Skype and Join Us Skype - Community-Security.

FREE tickets for young people from Affinity Sutton - Sola 2012

FREE tickets for young people from Affinity Sutton


The Spirit of London Awards celebrates the achievements of young people from all four corners of London who are champions of their local communities. Through the UK young campaigner of the Year award category it also now has a national reach amongst the youth of Britain.

This Years awards show is taking place at the O2 Arena in North Greenwich on Monday 10th December. The organisers of the extravaganza for 2012 are in preparation to outshine the wonderful show in 2011, where Tinchy Stryder topped the bill. The SOLA team has been promoting the purpose of the “Community Youth Oscars”, by visiting local schools across London including, Ladywell College in Lewisham. This year’s nominations have recognised young residents of Bromley and Lewisham across four categories. Affinity Sutton would like to offer young people, (ages 14-25), the opportunity to attend the SOLA event and congratulate those who have been nominated.

SOLA 2012…This event will be a phenomenal energy of fun and entertainment, in celebration of London’s wonderful young people; don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity.



Affinity Sutton is asking;

Parent/carers, teachers, friends, youth & community workers, neighbours and mentors to refer young people, who they believe should get the opportunity to attend this event.

Tickets 4 Ur time

Affinity Sutton’s young residents (14-25), will automatically get two tickets by signing up to our estate ambassador programme. This would require you and a friend, to pledge a little of your time, doing something big or small for your community in 2013. Not only will you be getting tickets to one of the best shows in 2012, SOLA; you will be giving yourself the opportunity to participate a life changing project, in support of your community.


Successfully ticket holders, attending the event are required to adhere to the following;

·         Complete a registration and use of photos consent forms

·         Have written parental/carer consent for under 16s

·         Arrange for own transport to and from venue

·         Provide emergency contact details

·         Show maximum respect for self and other people


Please contact Judie Obeya or Judy Ferguson for further information and to submit the name/s of your chosen young people ASAP. Act quickly!!!!

Or by telephone: 0300 100 0303


Jean Keal and Mary Hoare attended the National Residents council in Birmingham last week. I have their report.  Once the Committee has scrutinized the report, their findings will be published on here. May  I and the Committee take this opportunity to thank both of them for giving up their time to support our community.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

CATS Nominated for Gold Standard Award

The Chelsea Association of Tenants has been nominated for  a ' Gold Standard Award '  by The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea,  in recognition of our work in the Community.
The committee will be attending the Mayors Chambers at The Town Hall on Thursday to find out if we have won.

Monday, 19 November 2012


Hello Everyone , my name is Ian Henderson and i am the new Chairman of The Chelsea Association of Tenants.  May  I first of all say a big thank to the committee members who for various reasons are stepping down from the commmittee next year. They are Maria Krause, Leslie Goodchild and Barbara Lipinska. I'm sure all the committee members and residents would like to wish them all well in what they decide to do. A special mention must go to Maria Krause , last years Chairperson, who over saw our 100 Year anniversary party. Her input certainly lifted the professionalism and organizational abilities of the running of the residents association. I have informed Maria that being an ex-Chairperson is a bit like being an ex president, it never really stops.
She has offered me her ongoing assistance and advice to ensure a smooth changeover.
I would also like to Congratulate Michael OHara who has been voted in as our new Secretary, I look forward to working with him over the coming year.
I would like to say Welcome to Dorinda Montgomery and Welcome back to Michael Cartwright who has decided to return to the Committee.
It was a particulary energetic meeting, with some previous committee members turning up.
It was particulary good to see Linda Mullins and Anne McLean, we would welcome more of their insight and experience as the year goes on.
 As a committee , we want to encourage ' sub committees'  this year, that is to say if any resident has a particular area of interest, then perhaps they could be involved with us in that area, be it , music, theatre, living history, parking , estate redevelopment and so forth.
There was a general consensus on the floor that we should have a CATS survey on the estate redevelopment. This was put to a vote and was unanimously agreed. The committee will do this in the New Year.
We also put to the floor that we are in ongoing discussions with Affinity Sutton re estate parking. It was pointed out to the floor that while we try and find a solution with Affinity, we in no way are prepared to accept the Controller of the Parking to be 'Nighthawk' . The Committee took a vote and 'Blacklisted'  them earlier in the year , and we have made 'Affinity Sutton ' aware of this position, and the reasons for this.
We will shortly be sending our formal response to Jamie Romph.
In my year of Chairmanship I would like to see us looking outwards, connecting with other groups in our Community. To this end 'CATS' will be hosting an invite only event for committee members of others groups in the area, as well as council members, to share ideas and show them what the CATS are planning. We have been recommended for a 'Gold Standard Award' by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, we will be attending the Mayor Chambers on the 29th of the Month to see if we have won.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Keith Exford and his team at Affinity Sutton for their £4,000 in supporting our 100 years Celebrations.
I think we have a very exciting year ahead for The CATS and all our members


This years Panto Tickets are on Sale from Jean Keal our treasurer. This year its Peter Pan at The Beck Theatre , which will be the Matinee Performance on Saturday the 5th of January. Tickets are £10 for Adults and £5 for Children, the price includes travel to and from the Theatre and a 'Goody Bag' for the children. Jean will be in the Estate Office from 10 to 11 on Thursday the 22nd of November and each Thursday until we are sold out. This tends to  be a very popular event, so don't miss out.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Kensington Palace - Education Volunteers

As part of our initiative to engage with other groups in the local area, we have found out that Kensington Palace are looking for  education volunteers. More details can be found at or email

Deep Recording Studios - Free Day Trip

Cats have arranged with Deep Recording Studios for a visit to their Studios on Tuesday the 27th of November at 1 pm. This is open to 16/ 24 year olds, who may be interested in learning how to use a sound studio. Cats are looking to set up a bespoke course for our younger residents, that would lead to them gaining a qualification and cutting 2 discs. Funding is available so no need to worry about the cost. Anyone who would like to come to the visit to see what its all about email

Buy the latest musical instruments and software direct from us - Coming Soon

Chelsea Fooball Club (CFC) - Scholarship Donation

More Good News for CATS, Chelsea Football Club in recognition of our 100 Year Anniversary have donated a soccer school place for our Christmas raffle. The schools are for boys and girls aged 4-13 years and are held in London,Surrey, Sussex,Essex, Berkshire, Hampshire,and Middlesex. Thank you Chelsea FC

Buy the Latest CFC Gear - Coming Soon

Peter Jones Community Matters

Peter Jones had a 'Christmas Community Matters ' event on the Fifth Floor at their store on Sloane Square.
There were many Community Groups there ranging from The Saatchi Gallery to Vauxhall City Farm.
Several group were pitching for their slice of the next tranche of Funding for Community Matters, which we will be pitching for next year, so if any resident have any ideas as to what community event this funding could be used for , then an email or letter to CATS, or a chat with one of the Committee members would be really helpful . The more interaction we have with our residents, and then with the larger community the better.
We are in discussions with the council, Peter Jones, The Saatchi Gallery,and Deepdale recording Studios, about a number of community arts and  living social history projects. These projects once funded and fully formulated will be open to all on the Estate. We will update as we move along

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Queen's Pub Appeal

A big thank you to Michael Cartwright of Jenningsbury House. Cats were asked by Councillor Timothy Coleridge, if we could send one of our committee members or residents to speak up at the appeal for The Queens Pub in Tryon Street. Michael gladly volunteered and spoke very well , by all accounts on behalf, of Cats and Our Community. As we all know the 'pub is the hub' , and we need to protect our local amenities from over development. Well Done Michael

Monday, 12 November 2012

Wilburforce Trust Food Bank

A food bank will be opened up by our friends at The Wilberforce trust in the Borough at the end of the month. We will update everyone when we know time ,dates, location and criteria.

Wilberforce Trust Christmas Concert

The next Wilberforce Trust Concert is on Thursday the 6th of December at Onslow Square. There will be a Christmas Choir and a 'Ritz Style "afternoon tea free of charge. It starts at 2.30 til 5 pm.

Our treasure Jean Kreil is leading the group, although if any residents want to pop along on there own then they are most welcome.

Joe Phillips - Roland Piano Restoration

Joe Phillips of The Sheltered Housing Block , made a request for the Roland Electric Piano to be repaired as , " it used to bring him hours of pleasure".

After negotiating with Roland UK , they have agreed to order the parts needed free of charge as a goodwill gesture. So our sincere thanks to them .We will have to pay for an Engineer to carry out the work.

Again the Committee will try and negotiate favourable rates.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Annual General Meeting will take place in the Sheltered Housing Block. It starts at 7pm. All votes have now been cast and counted and new Chairman, Secretary , Treasurer and Committee Members will be announced

Happy Birthday - CATS Celebrate 100 YEARS

The Committee would like to send out a belated Happy Birthday to Alice Clarke, who was 100 years old on the 5th of October. Congratulations Alice may you have many more.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


CATS   Chelsea Association of Tenants - Affinity Sutton




                AUTUMN 2012


All who joined us on the day trip to Brighton in August reported what an enjoyable time they had.  If you have any preferences for a day at the seaside for next year, we would welcome your ideas – the more the merrier!



Thank you to those of you who completed and returned the Parking Questionnaires.  All the comments were carefully collated and taken on board and the results are being compared with Affinity’s proposed system.  One thing which was quite clear from the majority was that Nighthawk control would be unacceptable.  We will keep you informed of further developments.



There was much angst amongst residents who have sheds and Affinity’s treatment in giving, in some instances, very short notice before going ahead with alterations.  CATS posted notices in all communal areas and issued questionnaires to the most affected blocks, i.e. Maylands and Leverstock.  We also wrote immediately to RBKC objecting to the proposals to the works having started with their notices going up at the last minute.  We await their comments and will pass these on to you as soon as they are to hand.  We are aware that some of you have raised your own individual objections with RBKC and we would welcome your views, if any, on this also.



As residents were still not happy about the reporting process to the Affinity Call Centre for complaints or general queries, a member of the Committee spent the day at the Call Centre listening in on calls to both CBS and the Call Centre.  Despite there being  some delays in getting through, the staff are polite and try to resolve issues as soon as possible.  However it is out of their hands once the repairs have been reported on to CBS and Willmott Dixon.



Although definite feedback from Affinity has been slow in coming, we would like to assure you that CATS are continually liaising with Greg Hands, our local MP, as well as with Citizens Advice Bureau and various other bodies to ensure that our rights are being legally adhered to.



We have been in touch with Affinity regarding the numerous outstanding communal maintenance repairs and have recently had surveyors from Head Office inspecting the whole of the Estate.  In brief, everything pointed out has been noted and we are assured will be acted upon.


Some of the more important issues were ongoing/penetrating rising damp; communal door lock systems not working or missing; poor condition of paths and road surfaces throughout the Estate; damaged and unacceptable bin areas; knocked down pillars fronting the main entrance to Estate; blocked dysfunctional drains and gulleys; non functional security cameras.



Several members of the Committee attended an afternoon event of the Wilberforce Trust, a voluntary organization helping and supporting the elderly, lonely or infirmed within the community.  They regularly hold free afternoon concerts, teas, etc and give impartial advice on all manner of things.  Should you be interested in attending their next event please let us know and if we have a sufficient number of tenants interested we can arrange transport.


We have been in contact with our local police force and will be setting up a Neighbourhood Watch which will benefit the community.


Some of the continual complaints being received are:

  • The increase in dog numbers which are not being controlled properly and the caretakers having the enormous task of cleaning up the mess.
  • Doors being allowed to slam in the communal areas as well as in the main entrances with no consideration for fellow neighbours.
  • Groups of rowdy youths hanging around and racing their bicycles through the Estate in the evenings.
  • Youngsters playing football (despite the “no balls” signs).
  • Rubbish being deposited in bags “outside” the bins with no regard for the contents (food waste outside the recycling bins!)
  • Trade vehicles belonging to tenants ignoring the speed limit within the Estate.


Ideally we would like one person from each block to form the group.  Please let us know if you are interested in keeping your community from deteriorating.


We also took the opportunity of meeting with them and reporting that tramps were using the area around Leverstock block as toilet facilities and asked them to monitor that particular area in their nightly patrols.



CATS Annual General Meeting has been set for Thursday 15th November in the Jenningsbury Lounge at 7.00 p.m.  We hope you will be able to attend as we feel it is important to have a Tenants Association to represent all tenants on the Estate.


As you know the main purpose of the AGM is to re-elect or elect a new Committee which will best serve our community.  If you would like to join us, this will give you the opportunity of doing so or alternatively if you know of someone who would be interested in joining, you may put their name forward.  Please remember that only tenants of the Estate can be nominated and those have to be seconded.


Attached are nomination forms which we should be obliged, when completed, be posted through the blue letterbox of the main Estate Office by Thursday 8th November




We have negotiated great prices for the Panto this year.  This is for the matinee performance of “Peter Pan” at the Beck Theatre on Saturday 5th January 2013.  The subsidy will of course be passed on to you so look out for further details posted on the CATS Notice Board as well as in all communal areas nearer the time.



A reminder that we hold Committee Meetings every first Thursday of the month and Surgeries every third Thursday of the month both of which you are most welcome to attend.



We hope to have our own website  running by the end of this year where you will be able to email us, twitter us, read our monthly minutes and see what else is happening on the Estate – we hope you will find this useful.  However, those not on line can still keep in touch via hard copy notices which will be posted on our notice board and in each block. 


You can also call us on 07587 046256 – please leave your name and number and one of us will get back to you.