Wednesday 18 June 2014

Questions On Estate Redevelopment Put to and Answered By Rachel Underwood of Affinity Sutton

Questions On Estate Redevelopment Put to and Answered By Rachel Underwood of Affinity Sutton

1.      What is the total number of units to be built?
We are currently proposing to build approximately 36homes but this figure may change following the outcomes of our tenant and public consultation events; our continued discussions with RBKC and the GLA and our tenants needs.  For example at the tenant consultation event last Thursday a tenant I spoke to suggested that rather than a two bedroom property for themselves and their grown up child they would prefer two one bedroom properties if possible.  Just to reiterate that we guarantee that every Affinity Sutton tenant will be rehoused on the estate and will not be required to move away unless of course they want to.
2.      Can you give the area in square feet or metres given over to social housing and how much to private housing, and for amenities both joint and separate?
At this stage we are unable to provide given reasons outlined in response to question one.  Once we are confident that we have a more accurate figure we would be very happy to share this with you.  This will also be publicly available when we submit our planning application later in the year.
3.      How many new units will be designated social housing? 
This figure is approximately 250 homes, but may change.  In addition, 79 social rented homes will be retained in Leverstock and Maylands.
4.      How many new units will be private for sale?
This figure is approximately 115 homes, but may change.
5.      How many new units will be sold for shared ownership?
6.      How many will be available for intermediate rent, and at what rate will that be set?
Currently we have not included any market rent or intermediate rent homes in the plans, however, we are willing to explore this possibility as it does offer another type of housing choice for local people.
7.      Will private units for sale be marketed abroad?
It is still too early to develop a marketing strategy for the market sale homes but as per our previous discussion I can confirm that Affinity Sutton has formally signed the London Mayor’s Concordat – ‘New Homes for Londoner’s, under which homes will be made available to Londoners before buyers from other countries.  Please let me know if you would like me to send you a copy for your records.   
8.      Where tenants now have on-site parking, will they be offered comparable access to safe parking in the new underground car park?
9.Since you told me that you feel that the best positioned flats will be on Ixworth Place rather than overlooking St. Lukes and the playground on Cale Street, wouldn't it be better ​to switch the position of social and private housing proposed in your scheme? As existing tenants value the view so much and your people don't ascribe any value to them it would win you a lot of good will.
The location of the new affordable homes is in large driven by the demolition of Blocks A-D and the Estate Office. This is where the redevelopment would need to start, so that we can build new affordable housing to rehouse tenants from Blocks E, F, G, H I and N, ensuring just one move for them straight into their new homes. We have also sought to maximise the view to St Luke’s through the inclusion of a single storey feature in the Cale Street elevations.  We do appreciate that the properties on Cale Street are considered the most desirable, and in building the market sale homes here, we hope that this will enable us to limit the amount of market sale homes as far as possible.

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