Tuesday 28 October 2014

CATs Committee Needs You!

The CATs AGM is coming up, on 21st November, where the roles of Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and Committee Member will be elected. Firstly a form will be handed out in which residents can nominate people for the roles (you can copy more forms if you would like to nominate more than one person for a role) and then voting will begin. We will let you know exactly how to vote as soon as possible. It would be great to have some new faces and fresh ideas so do think about joining. 

As a resident, you may nominate people for the following officer roles, these could be current position holders, or you may wish to nominate someone new or yourself. Below are the officer descriptions taken from the constitution, does one of them describe you?:

  1. Shall conduct the meetings of the organisation
  1. Shall open and maintain a bank account in the name of the organisation. 
  2. All cheques should be signed by the treasurer and one other executive committee member nominated by the committee. 
  3. The treasurer shall keep proper accounts of income and expenditure and report at each or relevant committee meetings.
  1. Shall be responsible for the convening of all meetings and giving the prescribed notice to all members. 
  2. S/he shall ensure that a proper record is kept of all meetings of the organisation, its committee and subcommittees, and shall deliver up such records as required by the committee. 
  3. The secretary shall produce records of all meetings and general meetings and make these available to members. 
You can also nominate people for the non-officer role of Committee Member, note this on your nomination form. 

At the AGM the new committee will be elected in, comprised of a new Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, and up to 8 Committee Members. 

(All taken from the Adopted Constitution for CATs a Recognised Tenants Assosciation, including the role descriptions)

The Committee meet once a month to discuss tenants' concerns and to organise community events.  It's your Chelsea Estate and it's your Vote. Watch this space for  more voting information.

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