Friday, 25 July 2014

CATS FACTS FRIDAY Are all the people who live in Chelsea well off?

CATS FACTS FRIDAY taken from London Poverty Profile

RBKC is London in microcosm. It has the second highest average income in London, of £36,000. However, this prosperity is not shared equally, and the borough also contains above average levels of deprivation. This deprivation is almost exclusively concentrated in the north of the borough, with the five northerly boroughs of Norland, Colville, St. Charles Notting Barns and Golbourne each including at least one 'Lower Super Output Area' in the 20% most deprived in the country. Golbourne is the 8th most deprived ward in London, out of 627. Earl’s Court, Redcliffe and Cremome also include areas of disadvantage. 
Extract from London Poverty Profile Website view article here
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