Friday, 31 October 2014

Christ Church Fellowship – ‘Art for Art’s Sake – Rossetti and Whistler’

Lady Lilith  Rosetti (1867), 

Nocturne: Blue and Silver - Chelsea Whistler

Christ Church Fellowship
 ‘Art for Art’s Sake – Rossetti and Whistler’ a talk by Mora Abell on Tues 4th Nov, 2.30pm at St Wilfrid’s, Tite Street. All welcome.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

The Nour Festival 2014 celebrating Middle Eastern and North African arts and culture October & November at venues across RBKC

Nour Festival announces its 2014 programme 
Nour Festival of Arts 20 October - 30 November 2014
Nour Festival of Arts 20 October - 30 November 2014

The Nour Festival, which celebrates contemporary Middle Eastern and North African arts and culture, takes place in October and November at venues across Kensington and Chelsea.
The six week festival featuring music, film, food, exhibitions, talks and dance launches on Monday 20 October and runs through to Sunday 30 November.
This year, the festival welcomes for the first time new partners such as the Finborough Theatre, the Electric Cinema and the Royal Geographical Society and Westway Presents.
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‘Halloween Movie Mash-up Weekend’ at the PopUp 3 Day Fright Fest!

‘Halloween Movie Mash-up Weekend’ at the PopUp 3 Day Fright Fest!

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Light up the Dark this Saturday in the Sunken Garden


What's On in Chelsea

All current and forthcoming London events in Chelsea

Please note
On bank holidays and Sundays some events may not be open, please check with the official websites/organisers before planning your trip.

Halloween Kids Cookie Decorating Classes
Le Pain Quotidien, 201 - 203 Kings Road London

Wednesday 29th October 2014

The Doorway Gallery comes to London for one week!
The Chart Gallery, 62 Old Church Street, London 

Sunday 26th October 2014 to Sunday 2nd November 2014


Wednesday 29th October 2014

Shakespeare: The Kings
Cadogan Hall, 5 Sloane Terrace, London

Wednesday 29th October 2014

A World to Win: Posters of Protest and Revolution
Victoria And Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, London

Thursday 1st May 2014 to Sunday 2nd November 2014

Constable: The Making of a Master
Victoria & Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, London 

Saturday 20th September 2014 to Sunday 11th January 2015

Horst: Photographer of Style
Victoria and Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, London

Saturday 6th September 2014 to Sunday 4th January 2015

Disobedient Objects
Victoria And Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, London

Saturday 26th July 2014 to Sunday 1st February 2015

Wedding Dresses 1775 - 2014
Victoria And Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, London

Saturday 3rd May 2014 to Sunday 15th March 2015

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014
Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London

Friday 24th October 2014 to Sunday 30th August 2015

Joan Fontcuberta: Stranger Than Fiction
Science Museum, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London

Wednesday 23rd July 2014 to Sunday 9th November 2014

Antonio Forcione / Adriano Adewale
606 Club, 90 Lots Road, London

Wednesday 29th October 2014

Chickenshed Kensington & Chelsea’s JOURNEY FROM THE EAST
Royal College of Music, Prince Consort Road, London. 

Wednesday 29th October 2014


The role of the Secretary is to support the Chair in ensuring the smooth functioning of the Management Committee.
In summary, the Secretary is responsible for:
  1. Ensuring meetings are effectively organised and minuted
  2. Maintaining effective records and administration
  3. Upholding the legal requirements of governing documents, charity law, company law etc (where relevant).
  4. Communication and correspondence
It is important to note that although the Secretary ensures that these responsibilities are met, much of the work may be delegated to paid staff or volunteers.
Given these responsibilities, the Secretary often acts as an information and reference point for the Chair and other committee members: clarifying past practice and decisions; confirming legal requirements; and retrieving relevant documentation.

Defining the role in your organisation 

What this means in practice depends on the style and size of the organisation:

Where there are no paid staff members...

...the Secretary themselves will carry out all these duties and may also take a greater role in the day-to-day administration of the organisation. This can become a time-consuming role. Some management committees have more than one person with formal responsibility for secretarial tasks (e.g. a Minutes Secretary, Correspondence Secretary and Membership Secretary). Others delegate some of the administrative responsibilities to volunteers outside of the management committee to reduce the burden.

Where there are paid staff members...

 ...many activities can be delegated (e.g. record keeping, taking minutes, filing correspondence, communication of activities etc). The Secretary then ensures that their responsibilities are met, but will have less involvement in actually carrying them out.
Each Management Committee will have its own way of doing things, and the way in which work is shared out can also depend on the skills, interests or amount of time that a person has to offer. Always ensure that the role description for your Secretary matches the current dynamics of your organisation. (see links below or click here for more on developing role descriptions).

Main responsibilities of the Secretary

The responsibilities of the Secretary of a Management Committee are outlined below:

1. Ensuring meetings are effectively organised and minuted

  • Liaising with the Chair to plan meetings
  • Receiving agenda items from committee members
  • Circulating agendas and reports
  • Taking minutes (unless there is a minutes secretary)
  • Circulating approved minutes
  • Checking that agreed actions are carried out.

2. Maintaining effective records and administration

  • Keeping up-to-date contact details (i.e. names, addresses and telephone numbers) for the management committee and (where relevant) ordinary members of the organisation.
  • Filing minutes and reports
  • Compiling lists of names and addresses that are useful to the organisation, including those of appropriate officials or officers of voluntary organisations.
  • Keeping a record of the organisation's activities
  • Keeping a diary of future activities

3. Upholding legal requirements

  • Acting as custodian of the organisation's governing documents 
  • Checking quorum is present at meetings
  • Ensuring elections are in line with stipulated procedures
  • Ensuring organisation's activities are in line with its objects
  • Ensuring charity and company law requirements are met (where relevant, unless there is a separate company secretary)
  • Sitting on appraisal, recruitment and disciplinary panels, as required.

4. Communication and correspondence

  • Responding to all committee correspondence
  • filing all committee correspondence received and copies of replies sent
  • keeping a record of any of the organisation's publications (e.g. leaflets or newsletters) and
  • reporting the activities of the organisation and future programmes to members, the press and the public (unless there is an Information or Publicity Officer).
  • Preparing a report of the organisation's activities for the year, for the Annual General Meeting. 
Use the links below to access further articles and resources which will help you understand the role of the Secretary and prepare your own role description or person specification:


The Treasurer has a watchdog role over all aspects of financial management, working closely with other members of the Management Committee to safeguard the organisation's finances.
It is important to note that although the Treasurer ensures that these responsibilities are met, much of the work may be delegated to a finance sub-committee and paid staff or volunteers.
In summary, the Treasurer is responsible for:
  1. General financial oversight
  2. Funding, fundraising and sales 
  3. Financial planning and budgeting
  4. Financial reporting
  5. Banking, book keeping and record keeping 
  6. Control of fixed assets and stock 
Given these responsibilities, the Treasurer typically acts as an information and reference point for the Chair and other committee members: clarifying financial implications of proposals; confirming legal requirements; outlining the current financial status; and retrieving relevant documentation.

Main responsibilities of the Treasurer

Each Management Committee will have its own way of doing things, and the way in which work is shared out can also depend on the skills, interests or amount of time that a person has to offer. Always ensure that the role description for your Treasurer matches the current dynamics of your organisation. (see links below or click here for more on developing role descriptions).
The following points outline the typical financial responsibilities of a Treasurer:

1. General financial oversight

  • Oversee and present budgets, accounts and financial statements to the management committee
  • Liaise with designated staff about financial matters
  • Ensure that appropriate financial systems and controls are in place
  • Ensure that record-keeping and accounts meet the conditions of funders or statutory bodies
  • Ensure compliance with relevant legislation.
More on financial oversight

2. Funding, fundraising and sales

  • Advise on the organisation's fundraising strategy
  • Ensure use of funds complies with conditions set by funding bodies
  • Ensure fundraising and sales complies with relevant legislation and is bound by effective financial systems and controls
  • Ensure effective monitoring and reporting

3. Financial planning and budgeting

  • Prepare and present budgets for new or ongoing work
  • Advise on financial implications of strategic and operational plans
  • Present revised financial forecasts based on actual spend.

4. Financial reporting

  • Present regular reports on the organisation's financial position
  • Prepare accounts for audit and liaising with the auditor, as required
  • Present accounts at the AGM
  • Advise on the organisation's reserves and investment policy.

5. Banking, book-keeping and record-keeping

  • Manage bank accounts
  • Set up appropriate systems for book-keeping, payments, lodgements & petty cash
  • Ensure everyone handling money keeps proper records and documentation

6. Control of fixed assets and stock

  • Ensure proper records are kept
  • Ensure required insurances are in place.
In all of these areas the Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that effective financial systems and procedures have been established, are being consistently followed and are in line with best practice and legal requirements.

Delegating financial responsibilities

It is not good practice for all tasks associated with the finance function to be performed by one person (whether a management committee member or staff) without supervision from others. For this reason, it is good practice for both small and large organisations to set up a finance sub group to manage and monitor their finances (see below).
How this happens will depend on the size and dynamics of your organisation. For example:
Even if the Treasurer and finance sub-committee carry out much of the work, final responsibility for the organisation's finances rests with the Management Committee as a whole. All members are accountable.
Does your management committee take an active role in financial management? Use this handy checklist to find out.

In small organisations with no staff....

...the finance sub group could consist of the Treasurer and 2 other members of the management committee. The Treasurer often chairs and gives leadership to the finance sub group. This provides an opportunity for those with no experience of finance matters to develop their knowledge and skills.


What is the role of the chairperson?

Chairing is a key role on any voluntary Management Committee. The Chairperson must ensure that the Management Committee functions properly, that there is full participation during meetings, that all relevant matters are discussed and that effective decisions are made and carried out.
The role of a Chairperson is time consuming, with work between meetings, external representation of the organisation, and work with staff. Chairing a large organisation requires diplomatic and leadership skills of a high level.

Main duties of the chairperson

The responsibilities of a Chairperson can be summarised under four areas:

1. To ensure the Management Committee functions properly.

The Chairperson is responsible for making sure that each meeting is planned effectively, conducted according to the constitution and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner. The Chairperson must make the most of all his/her committee members and ‘lead the team'. This also involves regularily reviewing the Committee's performance and identifying and managing the process for renewal of the Committee through recruitment of new members.
More on running effective meetings
More on chairing meetings
More on reviewing and renewing your committee

2. To ensure the organisation is managed effectively.

The Chairperson must co-ordinate the Committee to ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are in place for the effective management of the organisation.
More on ensuring an effective management committee
More on policies and procedures

3. To provide support and supervision to the chief officer.

The Chairperson will often be the direct line manager for the chief officer (the most senior staff member).
More on managing the senior staff member
More on supervising the senior staff member 

4. To represent the organisation as its figurehead.

The Chairperson may from time to time be called upon to represent the organisation and sometimes be its spokesperson at, for example, functions or meetings.
More on delegating to honorary officers

Sing to Live, Live to Sing!

Sing to Live, Live to Sing!
The singing for health programme Sing to Live, Live to Sing! which was set up by the Council has proved popular with residents of all ages and backgrounds.

The Council initiative was launched as a pilot programme in June and was so successful that a new series of taster sessions started in September and further workshops at other venues in the borough are also planned.
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Bikeminded Film Club

Bikeminded Film Club 
7 October/3 November and 2 December, from 7pm. Free. Kensington Central Library, Phillimore Walk, London, W8 7RX
The Bikeminded Film Club is back for a second year! It takes place in the unique art-decó lecture theatre at Kensington Central Library, a cosy venue to watch cycling-themed films during the autumn and winter. Screenings are usually on the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm, except for November (which is on a Monday).

The Bikeminded Film Club presents a programme of world cinema, with cycling playing a different role in each film. Expect enticing human stories from places as diverse as the USA, France and Uruguay, as well as lesser known but no less compelling gems from independent film-makers.

For more information about the films and to book tickets please visit here.

If you have any questions, email

For more information about Bikeminded, please click here.
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Tuesday, 28 October 2014

CATs Committee Needs You!

The CATs AGM is coming up, on 21st November, where the roles of Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and Committee Member will be elected. Firstly a form will be handed out in which residents can nominate people for the roles (you can copy more forms if you would like to nominate more than one person for a role) and then voting will begin. We will let you know exactly how to vote as soon as possible. It would be great to have some new faces and fresh ideas so do think about joining. 

As a resident, you may nominate people for the following officer roles, these could be current position holders, or you may wish to nominate someone new or yourself. Below are the officer descriptions taken from the constitution, does one of them describe you?:

  1. Shall conduct the meetings of the organisation
  1. Shall open and maintain a bank account in the name of the organisation. 
  2. All cheques should be signed by the treasurer and one other executive committee member nominated by the committee. 
  3. The treasurer shall keep proper accounts of income and expenditure and report at each or relevant committee meetings.
  1. Shall be responsible for the convening of all meetings and giving the prescribed notice to all members. 
  2. S/he shall ensure that a proper record is kept of all meetings of the organisation, its committee and subcommittees, and shall deliver up such records as required by the committee. 
  3. The secretary shall produce records of all meetings and general meetings and make these available to members. 
You can also nominate people for the non-officer role of Committee Member, note this on your nomination form. 

At the AGM the new committee will be elected in, comprised of a new Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, and up to 8 Committee Members. 

(All taken from the Adopted Constitution for CATs a Recognised Tenants Assosciation, including the role descriptions)

The Committee meet once a month to discuss tenants' concerns and to organise community events.  It's your Chelsea Estate and it's your Vote. Watch this space for  more voting information.

AGM and Election - Process - Nomination Forms First - Voting Forms After

There seems to be some Confusion re the election.

Nomination Forms go out first - Your Nominations are put through the Affinity Sutton Mailbox.

The Voting Forms then go out after this - Residents then have the ability to vote for each position .

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Cats - Funding

Cats are now looking at projects - events which need funding on the estate. If anyone has any ideas they would like us to look at please email

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Affinity Sutton - Cats - Christmas Panto - Kids Go Free

Affinty Sutton have very kindly offered to Sponsor this years trip to the Panto.
 Part of the Sponsorship means that all 'accompanied' Children will go Free - what a lovely gesture . A big thanks to Natalie Down and Affinty Sutton for such kindness. More to follow

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs our Christmas Panto on the 4th January!


The fairest pantomime in the land will be brought to life from page to stage in an unmissable production complete with stunning sets, beautiful costumes and an abundance of comedy. This year's show is produced by One From the Heart, who have produced our previous five hugely successful and popular pantomimes including most recently Cinderella starring Joe McElderry and Shane Richie Jnr, Peter PanAladdin and Sleeping Beauty

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs promises to have The Beck Theatre's hallmark of outstanding quality and value-for-money and is the perfect and unmissable treat for the festive season, outstanding entertainment for all the family!
The Christmas Panto this year will be ' Snow White and The Seven Dwarves with Linda Robson @ The Beck Theatre on Sunday 4th of January 2015 @ 1.30.
We will let you know when tickets go on Sale - as always Adults £10 - Children go free!

Committee 2015

Voting will start to take place over the coming weeks for The Chelsea Association of Tenants Committee.
Nomination forms will go out first. If you wish to nominate or put yourself forward  - you need to fill in the form - with the nominees name  and address and the position they would like to stand for - Chair, Secretary, Treasurer or Committee Member.

We will then compile a list of voting forms with the names of the the prospective candidates.

Voting forms need to be given to either of the people responsible for running the election   - Lorna Sherlock - Jean Keal –Mary Hoare or Ian Henderson - or posted through the Affinty Sutton letterbox at the side of The Rent Office in the Middle of the Estate.

If anybody is considering joining the Committee and would like to know more about what involved please feel free to email me

Chelsea Association of Tenants AGM

The Cats AGM will be held in Kingsmill Lounge on Thursday 20th Of November 7 - 9pm. Many thanks to Alicia of Affinty Sutton for allowing us to use the lounge, and thanks to Jean Keal our treasurer for making the booking.

Grey Wagtail - Sunken Garden

More and more Wildlife is being attracted to the Sunken Garden - The latest is a Grey Wagtail - so keep your eyes open for it.

Cats Christmas Panto -

The Christmas Panto this year will be ' Snow White and The Seven Dwarves with Linda Robson @ The Beck Theatre on Sunday 4th of January 2015 @ 1.30.
We will let you know when tickets go on Sale - as always Adults £10 - Children £5

Friday, 10 October 2014

Guerilla Gardening

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Throwback Thursday The Worlds End Chelsea

Shot of 477-487 King's Road from the west. What's that white car doing turning into Edith Grove? Maybe it wasn't one-way back in 1961!